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Thanksgiving Real Estate Reality Check

As we enter the holiday season, our first amid a pandemic, I am reminded of what a crazy November this has been. Our local Real Estate market and our team members’ and clients’ lives have inevitably been altered in some way by this experience.

First, an update on the Fall season market:

In the time of COVID-19, September and October turned out to be the equivalent of a flourishing Spring season. In my 30 + year history of selling homes here, I have never seen the pre-holiday sales activity be as strong as this. We reached our team goals in back to back months, September AND October, which numerically accounts for:

We did all this while doing our best to keep ourselves and our clients safe. You never hear Real Estate companies, or frankly, almost any company, share their challenges. Still, because our small but mighty company is built on the strength of our relationships, we feel compelled to share the truth with you.

About 1/3 of our team contracted COVID-19, and while we have all recovered, now healthy and ready to move forward, it was quite an eye-opener for all of us. All along, we have insisted on doing the right things – triple PPE with our public, staggered schedules and limiting close contact as much as possible, and yet we were not immune. We know that our Coronavirus invasion is just a microcosm of what’s happening all around us. Some may not have the ability to properly quarantine and recover properly because of their living situation or the financial hardship it may cause. In contrast, others may choose not to because of the naivety and uncertainty that comes along with not knowing how to handle the updated and sometimes conflicting information that we are given on just about a daily basis.

This year, one thing is certain for me.

I am thankful for every member of the Energized Realty Group for working hard and for coming together as a team to figure it out. By covering for each other, staying home when they needed to, following the law, and recovering together (while socially distancing, of course), we were able to pull out another strong November sales month. That is TEAMWORK.

If you would like to have a copy of our COVID-19 Seller and Buyer Safety Procedure Guide, contact me and I will be happy to get one over to you.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving, and Stay Safe!

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