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As I watched what was predicted to be our area’s most significant storm in 36 years, I’m reminded again about the unpredictability of it all. We didn’t have the worst storm damage ever, reminding me further how technology doesn’t always, or even often, have all the answers. Nature is in control, always.

What does this have to do with real estate?

A lot. If sellers look at data to determine their home’s value without remaining open-minded, they may be disappointed. I relied on the most expansive weather forecasts, brought everything outdoors in, tied anything left outdoors down, and waited for nature’s show of the century. After all, none of us have seen much theater since COVID. So the storm could have passed for drama. But it didn’t come to fruition, just like seller and buyer expectations. Things don’t always work out as we predict or believe they will.

It pays to stay flexible.

In July, Gary and I sold a property we owned for 16 years. I listed the house for $838,888 and sold it in 2 weeks for $803,000. The market was good enough.

It pays to stay flexible.

And like the weather forecasters, technology can only get you so far. There’s a saying, “Zillow knows zothing.” Real estate is a people business. With life circumstances, unforeseen emotions, and real obstacles,, people need competent humans to help solve them. That is why the disrupters will never replace my knowledge, those like me, and our ability to use our knowledge to benefit others. What the disrupters can do is provide preliminary information. That’s not lucrative enough for them, though, so they confuse the public with algorithms, calls to action designed to click-bait, which allows them to get a piece of the pie when you select your realtor. There is only one problem; it costs you more. Use these sights, sure, for preliminary information but then get off the site, make your calls to the beat agents you can find, and get the best deal you can, in price, service and results. Most great agents refuse referrals from these tech companies anyway, and if you click on a third party site, you lose in one or all of the categories above, and that click can actually diminish your freedom of choice. STAY NIMBLE as you surf the web.

The disrupters can’t replace Realtors, but they can sue us and try to force us to reduce our level of service to protect our profits. That’s not something that I’m willing to do.

So, once again, technology is just a tool, not a solution. None of us wants to see damage caused by a storm, but it might have been nice to see technology be accurate for a change. That is what I learned from Henri.

Au revoir Henri.

On a lighter note, remember to join us for our 25th Annual Community Ice Cream Event. This year we are holding it at the end of the FIRST week of the reopening of public school, on Friday, September 17th, with a rain date of Saturday, September 18th.


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